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NGA 2000
90003482(2) [NGA-e (MLT-Software 3.2.X)] 07/98
Manual: You have to change the range manual. The switch level hysteresis is disabled
(see p. 5-30).
Self/Automatic: The autoranging is running by the comparison of the current measure-
ment value with the end of range. The signal at the analog output is tracking. The value
in the line "Switch level hysteresis" of the menu "Autoranging Control" is enabled (see
p. 5-30).
Program I/O-module: The autoranging is controlled by the I/O-Board. The value in the
line "Switch level hysteresis" of the menu "Autoranging Control" is enabled (see p. 5-30).
Inputs I/O-module: The autoranging is controlled by the digital input. The value in the
line "Switch level hysteresis" of the menu "Autoranging Control" is enabled (see p. 5-30).
Line of variables "Actual range number":
In this line you will find the range number selected. You can select any of the four ranges
of the current channel. If the autoranging is enabled, you will find the current range.