
Modbus 485 and Modbus IP Protocols - Thermal Management Products
47 Liebert
Modbus/BACnet IP
Fan Speed Proportional Band
Temperature control band above the temperature set point calculated for
proportional fan speed control. If measured air temperature is within this
band, fan speed operations are proportionally controlled.
Fan Speed Fan speed expressed as a percentage of the maximum rated speed.
Heating Proportional Band
Temperature control band below [Air Temperature Set Point]. If measured
air temperature is within this band, heating operations are proportionally
High Power Shutdown Supply to high power components has been shutdown.
High Return Humidity Threshold Threshold value used in the [High Return Humidity] event.
High Return Humidity Return air high humidity event.
Humidification Proportional Band
Humidity control band below [Humidity Set Point]. If measured humidity is
within this band, humidification operations are proportionally controlled.
Humidifier Control Board Not Detected
Humidifier control board is required to be connected, but no signal is
Humidifier Cylinder Worn Humidifier cylinder is not operating properly and needs to be replaced.
Humidifier Hours Exceeded Operating hours for the humidifier have exceeded the threshold.
Humidifier Issue Humidifier issue detected, causing it to be locked out.
Humidifier Low Water The water level in the humidifier has dropped below its threshold.
Humidifier Over Current The electrical current to the humidifier has exceeded its upper threshold.
Humidifier Under Current
The electrical current to the humidifier has dropped below its lower
Humidifier Utilization
Present humidifier utilization expressed as a percentage of the maximum
rated capacity.
Humidity Dead Band
Value that is divided evenly to form a range above and below [Humidity Set
Point]. If measured humidity is within this range, no humidification or
dehumidification will occur.
Humidity Set Point Desired relative humidity.
Loss of Air Flow No air flow through the unit due to failure of all fans.
Low Return Humidity Threshold Threshold value used in the [Low Return Humidity] event.
Low Return Humidity Return air low humidity event.
Maintenance Completed Maintenance has been completed on the unit.
Maintenance Due The calculated maintenance date has been reached.
Maintenance Ramp
The ratio of operations performed to the calculated operations available
between maintenance intervals.
Master Unit Communication Lost Communication with master unit has been lost.
Operating Efficiency
The ratio of cooling energy provided to the amount of total energy being
RAM Battery Issue RAM or RAM backup battery is not operating correctly.
Reheat Utilization
Present reheating utilization expressed as a percentage of the maximum
rated capacity.
Reheater Over Temperature The temperature of the reheater has exceeded its threshold.
Remote Sensor Average Temperature Average value of remote sensor temperature measurements.
Remote Sensor Function
Function assigned to remote sensor. Available values are: (0) Control -
sensor will be used in calculation of remote sensor temperature that may
be used for heating and cooling control, (1) Reference - sensor will not be
used in calculation of remote sensor temperature, but is enabled, (2)
Disable - sensor is disabled
Remote Sensor Issue Remote sensor is disconnected or the signal is out of range.
Remote Sensor Maximum Temperature Maximum value of remote sensor temperature measurements.
Remote Sensor Minimum Temperature Minimum value of remote sensor temperature measurements.
Remote Sensor Temperature Calculation
Calculation method applied to temperature readings from the remote
sensors to determine a single temperature measurement value for cooling
and heating control.
Remote Sensor Temperature Air temperature as measured by remote sensor.
Table 13 Liebert CRV
- Glossary (continued)
Controller Liebert iCOM
Data Label Data Description