BACnet Communications - Thermal Management Products
Modbus/BACnet IP 296
Unit Code Missing Unit code has not been entered and saved.
Unit Communication Lost Master has lost communication with one or more networked units.
Unit Off Unit was turned off.
Unit On Unit was turned on.
Unit Partial Shutdown
An event has occurred requiring some system components to be shutdown
and disabled.
Unit Shutdown
An event has occurred requiring the unit to be shutdown and disabled to
prevent damage to the system.
Unit Standby Unit was placed in standby mode.
Visual ID Control
Visual identification control to display an LED flashing sequence, allowing it to
be visually located.
Water Under Floor - Event Control
Enable/disable the activation of the [Water Under Floor] event. If set to
'disabled', the event will not be annunciated. This implies that the event will not
be placed in any active event list or in any event history list.
Water Under Floor - Event Type The event type for the [Water Under Floor] event.
Water Under Floor Water under the floor is detected.
Table 95 Liebert XDP
, Liebert XDC
- Glossary (continued)
Data Label Data Description