BACnet Communications - Thermal Management Products
247 Liebert
Modbus/BACnet IP
Customer Input 4 Customer Input 4
Dehumidifier Hours Exceeded Operating hours for the dehumidifier have exceeded the threshold.
Dehumidifier Hours Threshold Threshold value used in the [Dehumidifier Hours Exceeded] event.
Dehumidifier Hours
Operating hours for dehumidifier since last reset of this value. If operating hours
exceeds 32,000, this client will continue to display 32,000, but the iCOM display
will show the actual value.
Dehumidifier State Dehumidifier operational state.
Dehumidifier Utilization
Present dehumidifier utilization expressed as a percentage of the maximum
rated capacity.
Dew Point Over Temperature Dew point temperature reading has exceeded the upper threshold.
Dew Point Set Point Desired dew point temperature.
Dew Point Under Temperature Dew point temperature reading has dropped below the lower threshold.
Dig Scroll Comp Discharge Over Temp -
Event Ctrl
Enable/disable the activation of the [Dig Scroll Comp Discharge Over Temp]
Dig Scroll Comp Discharge Over Temp -
Event Type
The event type for the [Dig Scroll Comp Discharge Over Temp] event.
Dig Scroll Comp Discharge Temp Sensor
Digital scroll compressor discharge temperature sensor is disconnected or the
signal is out of range.
Dig Scroll Comp Discharge Temp Digital scroll compressor discharge temperature.
Dig Scroll Comp Over Temp
Digital scroll compressor is shut down due to head temperature exceeding an
upper threshold.
Digital Output Board Not Detected Digital output board is required to be connected, but no signal is detected.
Digital Scroll Compressor Loading
Present digital scroll compressor utilization expressed as a percentage of the
maximum rated capacity.
EEV Unspecified General Event
One or more unspecified electronic expansion valve events active. See local
unit display for further details.
Electric Reheat State Electric reheater operational state.
Electric Reheater Hours Exceeded [Electric Reheater Hours] has exceeded [Electric Reheaters Hours Threshold].
Electric Reheater Hours Threshold Threshold value used in the [Electric Reheater Hours Exceeded] event.
Electric Reheater Hours
Operating hours for electric reheater since last reset of this value. If operating
hours exceeds 32,000, this client will continue to display 32,000, but the iCOM
display will show the actual value.
Energy Consumption Energy consumption since the last reset of this value.
Ext Air Damper Position Issue
Air damper position does not match expected value, as indicated by an external
input signal.
Ext Air Sensor A Dew Point Temp Dew point temperature as measured by external air sensor A.
Ext Air Sensor A Event Control
Enable/disable the activation of events related to measurements by the external
air sensor A.
Ext Air Sensor A High Humidity - Event
Enable/disable the activation of the [Ext Air Sensor A High Humidity] event. If set
to 'disabled', the event will not be annunciated. This implies that the event will
not be placed in any active event list or in any event history list.
Ext Air Sensor A High Humidity - Event
The event type for the [Ext Air Sensor A High Humidity] event.
Ext Air Sensor A High Humidity
Threshold value used in the [External Air Sensor A High Humidity] event.
Ext Air Sensor A High Humidity
[Ext Air Sensor A Humidity] has exceeded [Ext Air Sensor A High Humidity
Ext Air Sensor A Humidity Relative humidity as measured by external air sensor A.
Table 82 Liebert Challenger 3000
, Liebert Challenger ITR
, Liebert CW
, Liebert Deluxe System/3
Liebert DS
, Liebert DSE
, Liebert HPM
, Liebert PeX
- Glossary
Data Label Data Description