BACnet Communications - UPS Systems
Modbus/BACnet IP 334
Battery Time Remaining The calculated available time on battery
Battery Total Discharge Time The cumulative battery discharge time
Battery Volts at Main Disconnect
The voltage between the positive and the negative battery terminals of the
common battery disconnect
Battery Volts for Cabinet
The voltage between the positive and negative battery terminals of a battery
BPSS Startup Inhibit The Bypass Static Switch startup is inhibited
Bypass - Excess Auto Retransfers
The number of auto retransfers, from bypass to inverter, has exceeded the
maximum for a specified time interval
Bypass - Manual Rexfr Inhibited Manual transfer from bypass to inverter is inhibited.
Bypass - Manual Xfr Inhibited Manual transfer from inverter to bypass is inhibited.
Bypass Auto Retransfer Failed
After performing a recoverable transfer to bypass, an attempt to auto
retransfer from bypass to inverter failed
Bypass Auto Transfer Failed An automatic transfer to static bypass failed
Bypass Excessive Pulse Parallel
The system has performed too many pulse parallel operations within a
specified time interval
Bypass Frequency Error The bypass frequency is outside the inverter synchronization limits
Bypass Input Frequency The bypass input frequency
Bypass Input Voltage RMS A-B The bypass input RMS voltage between phases A and B
Bypass Input Voltage RMS B-C The bypass input RMS voltage between phases B and C
Bypass Input Voltage RMS C-A The bypass input RMS voltage between phases C and A
Bypass Input Wire Configuration Bypass input wire configuration
Bypass Isolation Breaker (BIB) Bypass isolation breaker (BIB)
Bypass Isolation Breaker for Module 1 (BIB1) Bypass isolation breaker for module 1 (BIB1)
Bypass Isolation Breaker for Module 2 (BIB2) Bypass isolation breaker for module 2 (BIB2)
Bypass Isolation Breaker for Module 3 (BIB3) Bypass isolation breaker for module 3 (BIB3)
Bypass Isolation Breaker for Module 4 (BIB4) Bypass isolation breaker for module 4 (BIB4)
Bypass Isolation Breaker for Module 5 (BIB5) Bypass isolation breaker for module 5 (BIB5)
Bypass Isolation Breaker for Module 6 (BIB6) Bypass isolation breaker for module 6 (BIB6)
Bypass Isolation Breaker for Module 7 (BIB7) Bypass isolation breaker for module 7 (BIB7)
Bypass Isolation Breaker for Module 8 (BIB8) Bypass isolation breaker for module 8 (BIB8)
Bypass Nominal Voltage Bypass nominal (or rated) voltage
Bypass Not Available A problem associated with the bypass has been detected
Bypass Overload Phase A An overload exists on output phase A while operating on the bypass
Bypass Overload Phase B An overload exists on output phase B while operating on the bypass
Bypass Overload Phase C An overload exists on output phase C while operating on the bypass
Bypass Qualification Status bypass qualification status
Bypass SS Overload Time Remain
The calculated time remaining before bypass static switch shutdown due to
the present overload condition
Bypass Static Switch Off Extrnl Bypass static switch is off due to the state of an external signal
Bypass Static Switch Overload Bypass off due to static switch overload
Bypass Static Switch Unavailable The static bypass switch is off, and unable to operate
Bypass Sync Phase Difference The phase angle difference between the inverter output and bypass source
Configuration Description Configuration description
Cont Tie Active Continuous Power Tie Active.
Table 109 Liebert NXL
- 60Hz, UL version (Model 40) - Glossary (continued)
Data Label Data Description