BACnet Communications - Thermal Management Products
275 Liebert
Modbus/BACnet IP
Table 89 Liebert HPC
- Multistate Data
Controller Liebert iCOM
Data Label
Object Type Instance
Name Access Notes
Server Class MultiState_Value 1 4553_1 RD
1 = UPS
2 = AIR
3 = PMP
4 = PDU
1, 2
Compressors - Compressor 1
Compressor State MultiState_Value 12 5264_1_1 RD
1 = off
2 = on
1, 2
Compressor Capacity Control State MultiState_Value 13 5265_1_1 RD
1 = off
2 = on
1, 2
Compressors - Compressor 2
Compressor State MultiState_Value 24 5264_1_2 RD
1 = off
2 = on
1, 2
Compressor Capacity Control State MultiState_Value 25 5265_1_2 RD
1 = off
2 = on
1, 2
Compressors - Compressor 4
Compressor State MultiState_Value 246 5264_1_4 RD
1 = off
2 = on
Compressor Capacity Control State MultiState_Value 247 5265_1_4 RD
1 = off
2 = on
Free Cooling
Free Cooling Status MultiState_Value 36 5302_1 RD
1 = off
2 = on
3 = No Support
1, 2
System Events
System Event Acknowledge/Reset MultiState_Value 47 4717_1 WO
1 = Reset
2 = Acknowledge
1, 2
System Info
System Status MultiState_Value 58 4123_1 RD
1 = Normal Operation
2 = StartUp
3 = Normal with Warning
4 = Normal with Alarm
5 = Abnormal Operation
1, 2
System Operating State MultiState_Value 59 4706_1 RD
1 = off
2 = on
3 = standby
1, 2
System Control Mode MultiState_Value 60 4707_1 RD
1 = Internal (Auto)
2 = External (Manual)
1, 2
System Operating State Reason MultiState_Value 61 5074_1 RD
1 = Reason Unknown
2 = Network Display
3 = Alarm
4 = Schedule
5 = Remote System
6 = External Input
7 = Local Display
1, 2
System On/Off Control MultiState_Value 62 5143_1 RW
1 = off
2 = on
1, 2
System Operations
Pump 1 State MultiState_Value 73 4654_1 RD
1 = off
2 = on
1, 2
Pump 2 State MultiState_Value 74 4655_1 RD
1 = off
2 = on
1, 2