USB Controller Module
D15:14 R STATE 0x0 State field
Defines the state of the endpoint after the most recent
communication with the USB device module.
00 Undefined
01 Data phase transaction
10 Status phase transaction
11 No-data status phase transaction
This field is used primarily for diagnostic purposes.
D13 R M31 0 Successful transfer status bit
0 Unsuccessful transfer
1 Successful transfer
For successful transfers
For IN packets: If the host sends an ACK handshake
(when the command involves a handshake), this bit
is set, indicating that the data is transferred
successfully to the host.
For OUT and SETUP packets: When set, this bit also
indicates that an ACK handshake is being sent to the
For unsuccessful transfers
For OUT packets with errors, this bit is cleared.
For IN packets, this bit is cleared if an ACK
handshake was not sent.
D12 R M30 0 Setup command status bit
0 Current transaction is not a setup command
1 Current transaction is a setup command
D11:00 R CIA 0x000 Configuration Interface Alternate
Value depends on setting of the M30 field (D12 in this
If M30 = 1, this field contains the value 0x100.
If the M30 = 0, this field contains the following:
[11:08] — configuration
[07:04] — interface
[03:00] — alternate
Bits Access Mnemonic Reset Description
Table 459: FIFO Status and Control registers