System Control Module
// This command file initializes the debugger local variables that are
// used by the user defined On-Stop and Idle-Mode command descriptors.
// NOTE: DO NOT CHANGE THIS FILE. This file configures the resources
// needed to use this feature. To specify an On-Stop or Idle-Mode
// command for your target, add an EW command to your board init
// file using the syntax shown below to define the sequence of
// operations, enable or disable them, and set the Idle-Mode timer
// interval.
// ..........................................................................
// The On-Stop command descriptor performs a user defined sequence of
// memory operations whenever program execution stops. This may be
// used, for example, to disable a watchdog timer or other peripheral.
// The On-Stop command descriptor is a 16 word (max) buffer in the
// following format:
// ew MAJIC_ON_STOP_CMD = en, { @op, addr [ , data [ , mask ] ] }...
// The Idle-Mode command descriptor performs a user defined sequence of
// memory operations periodically while the program is stopped. This
// may be used, for example, to periodically access a watchdog timer
// or another peripheral. The Idle-Mode command descriptor is a 16 word
// (max) buffer in the following format:
// ew MAJIC_IDLE_MODE_CMD = int, { @op, addr [ , data [ , mask ] ] }...
// Parameters:
// en enable: 0 to disable, 1 to enable
// int interval: 0 to disable, non-0 for interval in milliseconds
// op opcode: Any of the $ucd_xxxx aliases below
// addr Address of the access (must be properly aligned for op size)
// data Data value for $ucd_wr and $ucd_rmw (omit for $ucd_rd)
// mask Data mask for $ucd_rmw (1’s are bits to replace with data)
// ............................................................................