Serial port control and status registers
NS9750 Hardware Reference
Serial Channel B/A/C/D Control Register A
Address: 9020 0000 / 0040
9030 0000 / 0040
There are two Serial Channel B/A/C/D Control Registers A within each two-channel
serial controller module.
Register bit assignment
Bits Access Mnemonic Reset Description
D31 R/W CE 0 Channel enable
0 Resets the port and the data FIFOs (disables the
1 Enables a serial channel operation
The CE field cannot be set until all control bits in Serial
Channel Control Register A, Control Register B, and Bit-
rate register are stable.
D30:26 R/W Not used 0 Always write as 0.
D25:24 R/W WLS 00 Word length select
This value must be
2’b11 to select a word length of 8 data
bits. SPI mode requires this word length.
D23:22 R/W Not used Always write as 0.
D21 R/W RL 0 Remote loopback
Provides a remote loopback feature.
When RL is set to 1, the TXD transmit output is connected
to the RXD receive input. The RL field immediately
echoes receive data back as transmit data.
This field is used primarily as a test vehicle for external
data equipment.
Table 384: Serial Channel B/A/C/D Control Register A
Reserved TIC
13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 015 14
31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 1630
RL LL Not usedCE
Not used
Not usedNot used WLS