Pinout and signal descriptions
NS9750 Hardware Reference
System Memory interface signals
Table 4 describes System Memory interface signals in more detail. All signals are
internal to the chip.
A8 dy_cs_n[0] 8 O SDRAM chip select signal
B8 dy_cs_n[1] 8 O SDRAM chip select signal
A6 dy_cs_n[2] 8 O SDRAM chip select signal
C7 dy_cs_n[3] 8 O SDRAM chip select signal
C6 st_oe_n 8 O Static memory output enable
D6 ras_n 8 O SDRAM row address strobe
H1 dy_pwr_n 8 O SyncFlash power down
B10 st_cs_n[0] 8 O Static memory chip select signal
C10 st_cs_n[1] 8 O Static memory chip select signal
B9 st_cs_n[2] 8 O Static memory chip select signal
C9 st_cs_n[3] 8 O Static memory chip select signal
B6 we_n 8 O SDRAM write enable. Used for static and
SDRAM devices.
J3 ta_strb U I Slow peripheral transfer acknowledge
Pin # Signal Name U/D
I/O Description
Table 3: System Memory interface pinout
Name I/O Description
addr[27:0] O Address output. Used for both static and SDRAM devices. SDRAM
memories use bits [14:0]; static memories use bits [25:0].
Table 4: System Memory interface signal descriptions