System configuration registers
NS9750 Hardware Reference
Miscellaneous System Configuration and Status register
Address: A090 0184
D18 R/W SMWE 0x0 Serial character match wake-up enable
0 Do not wake up on receipt of a character match by the
serial module.
1 Wake up on receipt of a character match by the serial
D17 R/W EWE 0x0 Ethernet wake-up enable
0 Do not wake up on receipt of an Ethernet packet.
1 Wake up on receipt of an Ethernet packet.
D16 R/W PI3WE 0x0 PCI interrupt 3 wake-up enable
0 Do not wake up on PCI interrupt 3 input signal.
1 Wake up on active low PCI interrupt 3 input signal.
D15:07 N/A Reserved N/A N/A
D06 R/W BBT 0x1 BBus top
0 Module reset
1 Module enabled
D05 R/W LCDC 0x1 LCD controller
0 Module reset
1 Module enabled
D04 R/W MEMC 0x1 Memory controller
0 Module reset
1 Module enabled
D03 N/A Reserved N/A N/A
D02 R/W PCIM 0x1 PCI module
0 Module reset
1 Module enabled
D01 R/W Not used 0x0 Must be written to 0.
D00 R/W MACM 0x1 Ethernet MAC
0 Module reset
1 Module enabled
Bits Access Mnemonic Reset Definition
Table 186: Reset and Sleep Control register