Photo Stitch Function
By using the Photo Stitch function, embroidery patterns can be created from photos. The following two
conversion methods are available, and the color can be selected.
Photo Stitch 1:
This creates an embroidery pattern very similar to the image in one or many colors. This type of embroidery
pattern has detailed and overlapping stitching.
The embroidery pattern can be created in color (Color), sepia or grayscale (Sepia), or in one color (Mono).
Photo Stitch 2:
This creates an embroidery pattern in one or four colors. The embroidery pattern contains repeating zigzag
The embroidery pattern can be created in four colors (Color) or in one color (Mono).
For this example, we will create an embroidery pattern using Color and Photo Stitch 1. This procedure
describes how to select the desired preview image from the six "candidates" that are created with automatic
corrections applied in order to create the embroidery pattern.
Step 1 Importing photo data into
Layout & Editing
Refer to “Importing image data into Layout &
Editing” on page 20. Select the Tutorial_2 folder,
and then select girl2-face.bmp as the image.
Step 2
Automatically converting the
image to an embroidery pattern
Next, the image will automatically be converted to
an embroidery pattern.
Click Image, then Image to Stitch Wizard.
Step 1 Importing photo data into Layout & Editing
Step 2 Automatically converting the image to an embroidery pattern