The pH factor is a measure of the relative acidity or alkalinity in the
water. It is measured on a scale of 1 to 14. Pure water has a value of 7,
which is neutral. Any value above 7 is alkaline, and any value below 7
is acidic. You should maintain a slightly alkaline pH level, between 7.2
and 7.8, in the hydrotherapy spa. Severe problems can occur when the
pH balance is not maintained within this range. If the pH level exceeds
7.8, dissolved minerals can build up and clog the plumbing in the spa jet
unit. If the pH level falls below 7.2, the acid level in the water will begin to
corrode the metal parts in the spa jet unit. Also, the sanitation agents in
the water will not be effective if the pH level is not properly maintained.
Damage caused by improper pH levels is not covered under the war-
ranty. To maintain the proper pH level, you should test the pH of the
water regularly. To test the water, purchase a pH test kit at a pool and
spa supplier. The pH reading should be between 7.2 and 7.8. If the level
is too low, add a pH increaser (usually soda ash). If the level is too high,
add a pH reducer (usually sodium bisulfate). Test the water again after
ve minutes. See the instructions with your pH test kit for additional in-
formation about testing and adjusting the pH.