
of erosion and do not require electrical components. Most include some
type of replaceable cartridge, that contains the copper, silver or zinc
24 - Biguanide: the generic name for a non-chlorine, non-bromine,
sanitizer that utilizes the polymer PHMB (polyhexamethylene bigu-
anide). It is used to totally eliminate the use of chlorine or bromine.
25 - Biolm: a slippery coating of microorganisms that can develop in
poorly sanitized pools and spas.
26 - Brominator: feeding devices used to introduce bromine into pools
or spas. Most automatic types can be plumbed inline. Others are simple
oating varieties. All are intended to make the application of bromine
easier and more consistent.
27 - Calcium Carbonate: crystalline deposits (scale) that can form on
all under water surfaces, if the water is excessively high in calciumhard-
ness. High pH and high total alkalinity can worsen the problem.
28 - Oxidation: the chemical reaction by which organic matter is
“burned” or destroyed, by the action of chlorine, bromine, ozone, hy-
drogen peroxide or non-chlorine shock. Oxidation may cause miner-
als such as iron, manganese and copper to form discoloring stains and
precipitates, if not treated properly.
29 - Ozonator: a device for producing Ozone (O3), by either a UV (ul-
traviolet) light source or by electrical arcing (corona discharge). Used
for oxidizing and sanitizing purposes in both pools and spas.
30 - Ozone (O3): typically produced by an Ozonator installed in a pool
or spa. Ozone (O3) is a form of oxygen (O2) and is a powerful oxidizing
agent. It is used to destroy organic waste and byproducts and help in the
control of algae and bacteria. Ozone is not a stand alone sanitizer and
requires the supplementation of chlorine, bromine,
minerals, or ionization.
31 - Soft Water: is water that is low in calcium and magnesium hard-
ness. Such water can prove to be corrosive to masonry surfaces and
underwater metal parts. The calcium hardness level can be raised,
to the optimum range of 150-200 PPM, by the addition of appropriate
amounts of a calcium hardness increaser (calcium hardness).