Command Quick
The following tables summarize SCPI and IEEE 488.2 Common (*) commands
for the Agilent E1300/E1031 Mainframe System Instrument.
SCPI Commands Quick Reference
Command Description
[IMMediate] Abort Pacer output.
:COLD Restarts System processor, clears stored configurations.
[:WARM] Same as cycling power.
[:OWNer] [SYSTem| IBASic| NONE] Allocates the built-in serial interface.
[:OWNer]? Returns SYST, IBAS, or NONE.
:STORe Stores serial communication parameters into non-volatile storage.
[:MADDress] Write data to non-volatile user RAM starting at the specified address
using error correction.
:SADDress Write data to non-volatile user RAM at the specified address using
error correction.
[:MADDress] < address> , < data> Write data to non-volatile user RAM starting at the specified address.
:SADDress < address> , < data> Write data to non-volatile user RAM at the specified address.
:AVAilable? Returns the amount of RAM remaining in the DRAM (Driver RAM)
:CREate < size> ,< num_drivers> Creates a non-volatile RAM area for loading instrument drivers.
:LOAD < driver_block> Loads the instrument driver contained in the specified driver_block
into a previously created DRAM segment.
:CHECked Loads the instrument driver contained in the specified driver_block
into a previously created DRAM segment using error correction.
[:ALL] Lists all drivers from all driver tables (RAM and ROM)
:RAM Lists all drivers found in the RAM driver table.
:ROM Lists all drivers found in the ROM driver table.
:ACTivate [ON| OFF| 1| 0] Enable VXIbus interrupt acknowledgement.
:SETup[n] [ON| OFF| 0| 1] Enables or disables System Instrument control of VXI
interrupt line [n].
:SETup[n]? Returns current state of SETup[n].
:PRIority[n] [<
priority>|MIN|MAX|DEF] Specifies the priority level of VXI interrupt line [n].
:PRIority[n]? [MIN| MAX| DEF] Returns priority level of VXI interrupt line [n].
:RESPonse? Returns response from the highest priority interrupt line.
System Instrument
Command Quick Reference 7–75