DIAGnostic:CHECked:DOWNload:SADDress < address>,<data> writes data
to non-volatile User RAM at a single address specified by address using error
correction. It can also write to devices with registers in the A16 address space.
Parameters Parameter
Range of
address numeric 0 to 16,777,215 (# HFFFFFE) none
data arbitrary block
program data
See "Parameter Types", in the
beginning of this chapter
Comments • This command is typically used to send data to a device which accepts
data at a single address. It is the only way to send binary data to single
addresses over a serial (RS232C) line.
• Most computers terminate an OUTPUT, PRINT, or WRITE statement
with a carriage return or carriage return and line feed. These
End-Of-Line characters must be either accounted for (NRAM segment
sized to accommodate them), or suppressed using an appropriate
IMAGE or FORMAT statement. Some helpful methods:
– Control the End-Of-Line characters with format statements.
– Use the Definite Length Arbitrary Block Program Data format (see
example) to send your data rather than the Indefinite Length
Arbitrary Block Program Data format.
• A register address in A16 address space can be determined by:
+ (LADDR * 64) + register_number
where 1FC000
is the base address in the System Instrument A16 space,
LADDR is the device logical address, 64 is the number of address bytes
per device, and register_number is the register to which the data is
If the device is an A24 device, the address can be determined using the
VXI:CONF:DLISt command to find the base address in A24, and then
adding the register_number to that value. A24 memory between address
and address E00000
is directly addressable by the Controller.
• Address may be specified in decimal, hex (# H), octal (# Q), or binary
(# B) formats. DOWNload is done by word (16 bit) access so address
must be even.
• Related Commands: DIAG:UPLoad:SADDress?
DIAGnostic :DOWNload:CHECked :SADDress
System Instrument Command Reference 7-11