SCPI Command
This section describes the SCPI commands for the System Instrument.
Commands are listed alphabetically by subsystem and also within each
subsystem. A command guide is printed in the top margin of each page. The
guide indicates the first command listed on that page.
ABORt The ABORT subsystem is a part of the System Instrument’s trigger system.
ABORT resets the trigger system from its Wait For Trigger state to its Idle state
and aborts any pacer pulse train in progress. ABORt performs the opposite
function of the INITiate:IMMediate command. INITiate enables the trigger
system, while ABORt disables it.
Subsystem Syntax ABORt
Comments • ABORt does not affect any other settings of the trigger system. When the
INITiate command is sent, the trigger system will respond just as it did
before the ABORt command was sent.
• Related Commands: INITiate, TRIGger
• *RST Condition: ABORT
Example Stopping Pacer pulses with ABORT
TRIG:SOUR HOLD trigger source is TRIG
SOUR:PULS:COUN 1E3 output 1000 Pacer pulses
SOUR:PULS:PER .1 S pulse period set to .1 second
INIT go to Wait For Trigger state
TRIG trigger the Pacer to output
ABORT go to T rigger-Idle state and stop
Pacer pulses
7-4 System Instrument Command Reference