STATus The STATus subsystem commands access the condition, event, and enable
registers in the Operation Status group and the Questionable Data group.
Subsystem Syntax STATus
:ENABle < event>
:ENABle < event>
STATus:OPER:COND? returns the state of the condition register in the
Operation Status group. The state represents conditions which are part of an
instrument’s operation.
Comments • Bit 8 in the register is used by the System Instrument (Command
Module) to indicate when an interrupt set up by the DIAG:INTerrupt
commands has been acknowledged.
• Reading the condition register does not change the setting of bit 8. Bit 8
is cleared by the DIAG:INT:RESP? command.
• Related Commands: STAT:OPER:ENABle, STAT:OPER:EVENt?
Example Reading the contents of the condition register
STAT:OPER:COND? query register
enter statement
STATus:OPER:ENABle < event> sets an enable mask to allow events
monitored by the condition register and recorded in the event register, to send a
summary bit to the Status Byte register (bit 7).
Parameters Parameter
Range of
event numeric 256 none
Comments • Bit 8 in the condition register is used by the system instrument
(Command Module) to indicate when an interrupt set up by the
DIAG:INTerrupt commands has been acknowledged.
STATus :OPERation :CONDition?
7-32 System Instrument Command Reference