:CONFigure:DLISt? VXI:CONF:DLIS? [ < logical_addr>] returns information about the device
specified by logical_addr. Response data is in the form:
n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, s1, s2, s3, s4
Where the fields above are defined as:
n fields Indicate numeric data response fields.
c fields Indicate character data response fields.
s fields Indicate string data response fields.
n1 Device’s Logical Address. A number from 0 to 255.
n2 Commander’s Logical Address. A number from -1 to 255; -1 means this
device has no commander.
n3 Manufacturer’s ID. A number from 0 to 4095.
n4 Model Code. A number from 0 to 65535, chosen by the manufacturer to
signify the model of this device.
n5 Slot Number. A number between -1 and the number of slots in this
mainframe; -1 indicates that the slot associated with this device is
unknown. This is always -1 for B size mainframes.
n6 Slot 0 Logical Address. A number from 0 to 255.
c1 Device Class. 3 data characters; EXT| HYB| MEM| MSG| REG| VME.
EXT = Extended device, HYB = hybrid device (e.g. IBASIC),
MEM = memory device, MSG = Message-based device,
REG = Register-based device, VME = VME device
c2 Memory Space. Up to 4 data characters; A16| A24| A32| NONE| RES.
A16 = A16 addressing mode, A24 = A24 addressing mode, A32 =
A32 addressing mode, NONE = no addressing mode, RES = reserved.
c3 Memory Offset. 10 data characters which define the base address of the
A24 or A32 address space on the device. This value is expressed in hex
format (first two characters are # H).
c4 Memory Size. 10 data characters which define the size of the A24 or
A32 address space in bytes. This value is expressed in hex format (first
two characters are # H).
c5 Pass/Failed. Up to 5 data characters which define the status of the
device; FAIL | IFAIL | PASS | READY. FAIL = failed self-test,
IFAIL = configuration register initialization fails,
PASS = self-test passed, READY = ready to receive commands
s1 Extended Field 1. Not currently used; returns ""
s2 Extended Field 2. Not currently used; returns ""
s3 Extended Field 3. Not currently used; returns ""
s4 Manufacturer’s Specific Comments. Up to 80 character string contains
manufacturer specific data in string response data format. This field is
sent with a 488.2 string response data format, and will contain the
instrument name and its IEEE 488.1 secondary address unless a
start-up error is detected. In that case, this field will contain one or
more error codes in the form "CNFG ERROR: n, m, ...,z" . See
Appendix B, Table B-3 for a complete list of these codes.
System Instrument Command Reference 7-55