aci_drivestatus4 4-31
21 Dec 2001
Return Values
• 0: The call was successful
• -1: The call has failed
The external variable d_errno is set to one of the following DAS
error codes:
drive_state UP or DOWN reservation of the
Refer to aci_driveaccess on page
type type of the drive (internal AMS
code, e.g. E for DLT drive) (See
the AMU Reference Guide)
system_id empty, reserved for further use
clientname name of the client that the drive is
presently allocated to
volser Volser, if the drive is currently
cleaning true if the drive is presently
occupied with a medium for
clean_count number of mounts until the next
clean activity
mount • drive logically occupied but the
mount is physically not
finished (mount=1, keep=0)
• drive logically occupied and
mount is physically finished
(mount=0, keep=0)
keep • drive logically empty but the
keep is physically not finished
(mount=0, keep=1)
• drive logically empty and the
keep is physically finished
(mount=0, keep=0)
serial_number the serial number of the selected
Table 4-10 Parameters for the aci_drivestatus4 Function Call
Parameter Description