4-28 DAS ACI Functions
aci_drive_entry returned information about the status of the drives
drive_name name of the drive (name used in
DAS and AMS description)
amu_drive_name internal AMS drive name e.g. 03
or ZZ
drive_state UP or DOWN reservation of the
Refer to aci_driveaccess on page
type type of the drive (internal AMS
code, e.g. E for DLT drive) (See
the AMU Reference Guide)
system_id empty, reserved for further use
clientname name of the client that the drive is
presently allocated to
volser Volser, if the drive is currently
mount • drive logically occupied but the
mount is physically not
finished (mount=1, keep=0)
• drive logically occupied and
mount is physically finished
(mount=0, keep=0)
keep • drive logically empty but the
keep is physically not finished
(mount=0, keep=1)
• drive logically empty and the
keep is physically finished
(mount=0, keep=0)
cleaning true if the drive is presently
occupied with a medium for
clean_count number of mounts until the next
clean activity
Table 4-9 Parameters for the aci_drivestatus3 Function Call
Parameter Description