4-124 DAS ACI Functions
See Table 4-53 for an explanation of the table types.
Table 4-52 Parameters for the aci_view Function Call
Parameter Description
volser volser specifying the medium for which information is being
type media type to which the volser belongs
Refer to Media Types on page 2-7
aci_volume_desc structure with the returned data from the AMU database table
coordinate 10-digit logical coordinate specifying the slot
(Refer to the AMU Reference Manual)
owner number of the robot which can access the home
coordinate of the named volser
(1 = robot 1, 2 = robot 2,
3= both robots)
attrib current status of the slot (attributes) (Refer to
Table 4-54 on page 4-125)
type type of slot, but not the media type (coordinate
in the archive) (See Table 4-53)
volser queried volser (search criterion in the AMU
vol_owner not used
use_count number of accesses to the slot (not volser) by the
robotic controller
crash_count not used
Table 4-53 Table Types
attrib Explanation
A AMU Dynamic (dynamic storage locations in the AML system)
S storage (dynamic storage locations in the AML system)
N clean (cleaning media storage location)