ACI Services 2-7
21 Dec 2001
Media Types
The DAS ACI supports a variety of media types. The media
type is passed as a parameter to all ACI functions that require
media operations. Each media type name is a member of an
enumerated type aci_media, defined in the aci.h header file.
Table 2-3 lists the media types supported by DAS.
aci_robhome Set the AML-System to offline and
move the robot to home position.
aci_robstat Get Information about the AML-status
and set the AML to on-line.
aci_scratch_get Mount a scratch volume.
aci_scratch_info Query scratch volume information.
aci_scratch_set Add volume to scratch pool.
aci_scratch_unset Remove volume from scratch pool.
aci_killamu Shutdown AMU complete with OS/2.
aci_shutdown Shut down DAS.
aci_switch Switch between active and inactive
AMU (DAS and AMS).
aci_unload On an AML drive pressed one or more
drive buttons (e.g. unload button).
aci_view Query volume database entry.
aci_volseraccess Set ownership of volser.
aci_volserstatus Query ownership for volser.
Table 2-3 Supported Media Types
ACI Media Name Media Type
ACI_3480 3480/3490 cartridges
ACI_3590 3590/8590 cartridges (NTP)
ACI_4MM DDS or DAT (4mm tape)
Table 2-2 Routines Available with Complete Service Access
Routine Explanation