5-4 DAS ACI 3.0 Asynchronous Support Layer
• eject: eject/elect complete volsers
• allocv: allocate volser
• allocd: allocate drive
• script: run the commands from a script file
This application can run in both single command and
scripting modes. To stop this application, press <Ctrl>+<C>
or use the KILL command.
Sadmin Syntax
The syntax of the sadmin sample application has two general
• sadmin <command> [-h] | [[<arg1>] [<arg2>] ...
• sadmin script < [<script file name>]
In the first case, sadmin is running in single command mode.
In the second case, it is executing the specifically prepared
script. The script contains all usual sadmin commands,
written in same syntax. For example:
mount -t DECDLT 000030 DE02
eject -t OD-Thick P702010101-P702010122 E02
dism -d DE02
Each line must be EOL terminated. Sadmin responds with a
help message when run without arguments. The script
command isn’t included in the message.
Contents of the Async Support Layer
Currently the Asynchronous Support Layer library supports
only the following commands:
The asynchronous API consists of the following four