MODEL 2230R, Process Hydrogen Analyzer
Page 23
Step Display User response
1 H2scan: Type “ e” to run field verification
2 Ready to Verify
Type “ y”
3 Pressure is 1.000
atm (Y/N)?
Type “ n”
4 Enter new pressure: Type “ .969” for the local atmospheric pressure
5 Pressure is 0.9690
atm (Y/N)?
Type “ y”
6 Save as default
Type “ n”
7 Verify Sensor
Type “ y”
8 Enter Gas (%H2): Type “ 1” for gas #1, 1% hydrogen by volume
9 Settle time (min): Type “ 30” for a 30 minute duration for gas #1
10 Tolerance (%H2): Type “0.3%” absolute from the for 1% hydrogen by volume
11 Apply 1.000%H2:
Ready (Y/N)?
Type “ y”
Streaming data…
12 Taking Average…
An average will be calculated. Verification Gas1 finished
13 Continue test Verify
Sensor (Y/N)?
Type “ y”
14 Enter Gas (%H2): Type “ 30” for gas #2, 30% hydrogen by volume
15 Settle time (min): Type “ 30” for a 30 minute duration for gas #2
16 Tolerance (%H2):
Type “1.0%” absolute from the TOLERANCE CHART for 30%
hydrogen by volume
17 Apply 30.000%H2:
Ready (Y/N)?
Type “ y”
Streaming data…
18 Taking Average… An average will be calculated. Verification Gas2 finished.
19 Continue test Verify
Sensor (Y/N)?
Type “n” to end field verification.
Verification complete.
4). If the unit passes Verification, Calibration is not required at this time.
5). If the unit fails Verification, you will see the following:
18 Taking Average… An average will be calculated.
19 Verify Failed Verification complete.
6). If the unit fails Verification, TELEDYNE ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENTS recommends
Calibration, detailed in the following section.