
MODEL 2230R, Process Hydrogen Analyzer
Page 23
Step Display User response
1 H2scan: Type e to run field verification
2 Ready to Verify
Type y
3 Pressure is 1.000
atm (Y/N)?
Type n
4 Enter new pressure: Type .969 for the local atmospheric pressure
5 Pressure is 0.9690
atm (Y/N)?
Type y
6 Save as default
Type n
7 Verify Sensor
Type y
8 Enter Gas (%H2): Type 1for gas #1, 1% hydrogen by volume
9 Settle time (min): Type 30 for a 30 minute duration for gas #1
10 Tolerance (%H2): Type0.3% absolute from the for 1% hydrogen by volume
11 Apply 1.000%H2:
Ready (Y/N)?
Type y
Streaming data…
12 Taking Average…
An average will be calculated. Verification Gas1 finished
13 Continue test Verify
Sensor (Y/N)?
Type y
14 Enter Gas (%H2): Type 30 for gas #2, 30% hydrogen by volume
15 Settle time (min): Type 30 for a 30 minute duration for gas #2
16 Tolerance (%H2):
Type1.0% absolute from the TOLERANCE CHART for 30%
hydrogen by volume
17 Apply 30.000%H2:
Ready (Y/N)?
Type y
Streaming data…
18 Taking Average… An average will be calculated. Verification Gas2 finished.
19 Continue test Verify
Sensor (Y/N)?
Typento end field verification.
Verification complete.
4). If the unit passes Verification, Calibration is not required at this time.
5). If the unit fails Verification, you will see the following:
18 Taking Average… An average will be calculated.
19 Verify Failed Verification complete.
6). If the unit fails Verification, TELEDYNE ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENTS recommends
Calibration, detailed in the following section.