Engine will not
1. Engine flooded.
2. Fuel tank empty.
3. Spark plug not firing.
4. Fuel not reaching
carburet or.
5. Carburetor requires
1. See “Starting a Flooded Engine” in
Operation Section.
2. Fill tank with correct fuel mixture.
3. Install new spark plug.
4. Check for dirty fuel filter; replace.
Check for kinked or split fuel line;
repair or replace.
5. Contact an authorized service dealer.
Engine will
not idle
1. Idle speed se t too high
or too low .
2. Crankshaft seals worn.
3. Compression low.
1. See “Carburetor Idle Speed Adjustment”
in Service and Adjustments Section.
2. Contact an authorized service dealer.
3. Contact an authorized service dealer.
1. Air filter dirty.
2. Spark plug fouled.
3. Carburet or requires
4. Carbon build-up on
muffler outlet screen.
5. Compression low.
Engine will not
lacks power,
or dies under
a load.
1. Clean or replace air filter.
2. Clean or replace plug
and regap.
3. Contact an authorized service dealer.
4. Contact an authorized service dealer.
5. Contact an authorized service dealer.
exce ssively.
1. Choke partially on.
2. Fuel mixture incorrect.
3. Air filter dirty.
4. Carburet or requires
1. Adjust choke.
2. Empty fuel tank and refill with
correct fuel mixt ure.
3. Clean or replace air filter.
4. Contact an authorized service dealer.
Engine runs
1. Fuel mixture incorrect.
2. Spark plug incorrect.
3. Carburetor requires
4. Carbon build-up on
muffler outlet screen.
1. See “Fueling Engine” in Operation
2. Replace with correct spark plug.
3. Contact an authorized service dealer.
4. Contact an authorized service dealer.
WARNING: Alwaysstop unitand disconnectspark plugbefore performingallof the
recommended remedies below except remedies t hat require operation of the unit.
Chain moves a t
idle speed.
1. Idle speed requires
2. Clutch requires repair.
1. See “Carburetor Adjustment” in
Service and Adjustments Section.
2. Contact an author ized se rvice dealer.
PoulanPRO,a division of H usqvarnaConsum-
er Outdoor Pr oduct s N.A., Inc. , warrants to the
original consumer pu rchaser that each new
Poulan PR O brand gasoline t ool or attachment
is fr ee from defects in materi al and workm an-
ship and agrees to repair or replace under th is
warra nty any defective gaso line product or at-
tach ment as fo llows from the origi nal date of
purcha se.
2YEARS--Parts and Labor , when u se d for
household purpo ses.
90 DA YS -- Pa rts and Labor, when used for
commercial, professional, or income producing
30 DAYS -- Parts and Labor , if use d for rental
This wa rranty is not transferable and does not
cover d amage or liability caused by impr oper
handling, improper maintenance o r a lterat ion, or
the use of accessori es and/or attachments not
specifically recommended by Poulan PRO for
this tool. This warranty does not cover t une--up,
spark plugs, f ilters, starter r opes, cutti ng line, or
rotati ng head parts thatwi ll wear and req uire re-
placement with reasonable use during the war-
ranty perio d. T his warr anty does not cover p re--
delive ry setup or normal adjustments exp lained