WARNING! Always wear protecve gloves and safety glasses when cleaning your pao torch.
WARNING! To avoid the possibility of burns, maintenance should be done only when the pao torch
is cool. Avoid unprotected contact with hot surfaces. Ensure burner is turned o. Turn gas o at source and
disconnect the pao torch before servicing. Do not touch or move the pao torch for at least 45 minutes
aer use. Clean the pao torch in an area where cleaning soluons will not harm decks, lawns, or paos. Do
not use ammable, corrosive or abrasive cleaners.
Maintenance / Cleaning Instrucons
Note: Stainless steel tends to oxidize or stain in the presence of chlorides and suldes, parcularly in coastal
areas and other harsh environments, such as the warm, highly humid atmosphere around pools and hot tubs.
These stains could be perceived as rust, but can be easily removed or prevented. To provide stain prevenon
and removal, wash all stainless steel surfaces every 3-4 weeks or as oen as required with fresh water and/or
stainless steel cleaner.
Cleaning Inside The Pao Torch: While washing your pao torch, be sure to keep the area around the burner
and pilot assembly dry at all mes.
WARNING! If the gas control is exposed to water in any way, DO NOT try to use the torch. It must be
WARNING! Carbon deposits may create a re hazard. Clean the reector and the glass tube with
warm soapy water if any carbon deposits develop. Always use cauon when cleaning the glass tube.
Cleaning The Outer Pao Torch Surface: Do not use abrasive cleaners or steel wool on any painted, porcelain
or stainless steel parts of your Napoleon Pao Torch. Doing so will scratch the nish. Exterior torch surfaces
should be cleaned with warm soapy water. To clean stainless surfaces, use a stainless steel or a non-abrasive
cleaner. Always wipe in the direcon of the grain. Over me, stainless steel parts discolor when heated, usually
to a golden or brown hue. This discoloraon is normal and does not aect the performance of the pao torch.
Porcelain enamel components must be handled with addional care. The baked-on enamel nish is glass-like,
and will chip if struck. Touch-up enamel is available from your Napoleon dealer.
WARNING! The pao torch area must be clear and free from combusble materials, gasoline and
other ammable vapors and liquids. Do not obstruct the ow of combuson and venlaon air. Keep the
venlaon opening of the cylinder enclosure free and clear of debris.
This pao torch must be thoroughly inspected and serviced annually by a qualied service person.
CAUTION! Beware of Spiders
Spiders and insects are aracted to the smell of propane and natural gas. The nest or web will cause the
burner to burn with a so yellow or orange ame or cause a re (ashback). The ceramic burner ports do not
require cleaning. The burner venturi can be cleaned with a pipe cleaner or venturi brush if debris has accumulated.
WARNING! Hose: Check for abrasions, melng, cuts, and cracks in the hose. If any of these condions
exist, do not use the pao torch. Have the part replaced by your Napoleon dealer or qualied gas installer.