Check and replace any safety decals that are damaged or missing.
After rst use of the rake, we recommend a thorough inspection of all bolts and nuts. Retight-
en any loose hardware and check periodically thereafter.
Check the air pressure of the tires. They should be inated to approx. 20 psi.
Inspect the tines and replace any broken, missing, or bent tines.
Visually inspect condition of the hay curtain. Replace if necessary.
Periodically pressure wash your equipment and touch up any scratches with high quality rust
resistant paint.
Apply a light weight oil to all moving parts not specied in other lubrication instructions in this
Before winter storage, perform all lubrication and other maintenance procedures as previ-
ously described.
Store in a dry, covered place with the rake lowered into the raking position. Storing in the
raised (transport) position exposes the cylinder rod to dust and other elements that could
cause it to rust.