iOptron 8506 Telescope User Manual

5.1.7. Enter Position
Go to a target by entering its R.A. and DEC numbers.
5.1.8. Watch List
A watch list is a list of your favorite celestial objects in the database. It can be selected for
slewing. User can add, delete and browse the watch list. (Refer to 5.7. Watch List).
5.1.9. Watch List Auto
This function will set the mount automatically slew to all the objects listed in Watch List at a
preset time interval. The time interval can be set to from 10 seconds to 1200 seconds by using
or button.
5.2. Land Objects
Up to 4 your favorite land objects can be stored in the hand controller. Press MENU, select
“Land Objects” and press ENTER, the Land Objects screen will show.
Goto saved (land object):
Use or button to move the cursor to “Goto saved” line, use or button to a saved land
object and press ENTER. The mount will automatically slew to the target.
This function only works if a land object has been stored in database.
Save new (land objects)
Use or button to move the cursor to “Save new” line, use or button to select the
object number you want to store, and press ENTER. A landmark screen will show:
Use and keys to slew the telescope to the target you want to observe, press ENTER
to save the target. Press SPEED button to change the slew speed if needed.
Input coordinates (of a land object)
Use or button to move the cursor to “Input coord.” line, use or button to object
number you want to store, and press ENTER. A coordinate setting screen will show:
LandMark 1 Stop
A 13º 0.0’ Z 25º58.8’
09-05-04 15:43:27 2X
Goto saved 1 2 3 4
Save new 1 2 3 4
Input Coord. 1 2 3 4
A 10º 0.0’ Z 10º 0.0’