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• Using MMS Servers with PMCS CIMPLICITY PMCS Read-This-Book-First
Installation for Windows NT 4.0
The following installation procedures assume that you are familiar with Windows NT 4.0 and
your computer.
Carefully read the following notes that pertain to installing your AXS-MMS-132-095 product.
Follow the steps below to install AX-S4 MMS for Windows NT on your system.
1. Insert the AXS4-MMS-132-095 CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.
2. If the Autorun feature is enabled on your computer, go to Step 3.
Otherwise, click on Start, select Run and enter X:\disk1\setup (where X is the
appropriate CD-ROM drive designation).
3. When the AX-S4 MMS Setup initializes, you are presented with three installation
choices: Typical, Minimal, and Custom. Typical (the recommended selection) will install
the core AX-S4 MMS and SISCO OSI Stack components including AX-S4 MMS
samples. Minimal will only install the AX-S4 MMS and SISCO OSI Stack components.
Custom will allow you to select only those components that are required for your
installation. When using this option, you may also choose to install the electronic copy of
the AX-S4 MMS User's Guide.
4. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the AX-S4 MMS installation.
Note: When the AX-S4 MMS Setup is complete you will be asked if you want to restart the
computer. Select the option "No, I will restart my computer later." Click the Finish
5. Install the OSI LLC Protocol Driver for Windows NT.
Note: If you are replacing an existing version of the OSI LLC Protocol Driver, you need to
remove the current version. Select the Services dialog tab, highlight the OSI LLC
Protocol Driver and click the Remove button. Click on OK. Click the Close button and
reboot your computer. When the system reboots, set the directory to the Windows System
Drivers (System32\Drivers) and delete the file osillc.sys. The installation process will fail
to load the correct OSILLC device driver if an older version of the device driver is
present in the system directory.
6. Click on Start > Settings > Control Panels. From the Control Panel folder, select the
Network shortcut.
7. Select the Protocols dialog tab and click the Add… button.
8. From the Select Network Protocol dialog box, click the Have Disk… button.
9. From the Insert Disk dialog box, type the path {d}:\osillc\winnt, where {d} designates
the letter of your CD-ROM drive, and click on OK to accept the path.
10. From the Select OEM Option dialog box, click on OK, then click the Close button and
restart your computer.
11. The following directory structure should now appear on your computer.
<Drive>:\OSILL2 All OSI Stack files
<Drive>:\AXS4MMS All AX-S4 MMS files
Note: If you are installing for both Windows 95 and Windows NT, you should install the
product into the same directory. This will allow you to share the same configuration
database between both platforms.