CIMPLICITY PMCS Read-This-Book-First Introduction •
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Hello and welcome to the POWER LEADER Power Management Control System
HMI. You are about to begin using your computer in an exciting
new way—as a tool to help you increase productivity while reducing downtime and
energy costs.
This book is for anyone getting started with CIMPLICITY PMCS. It contains the
information you need to install and begin using PMCS effectively.
• Chapter 2, Getting Started, explains the terminology of power-
management systems, describes each of your PMCS items, outlines the
minimum system requirements, and lists methods of getting GE
Technical Support.
• Chapter 3, Installing the Software, explains how to prepare your system
and install all of the PMCS software. Any special installation steps are
outlined for each software module.
• Chapter 4, Configuring the Software, describes how to efficiently
configure PMCS to get up and running in the shortest time.
• Chapter 5, EPM Device Special Considerations, details the additional
configuration required to use EPM 7700, EPM 7600 and EPM 7500
meters in a PMCS network.
How to Use this Book
You will find this book easy to use if you look for these simple conventions:
• Boldface type indicates the name of an item you need to select.
• Monospace type indicates an example or text that is displayed on the
• UPPERCASE type indicates a file name, command name, or acronym.