GDL 88 ADS-B Transceiver Pilot’s Guide
190-01122-03 Rev. A
FIS-B Flight Information Services-Broadcast. FIS-B is a graphic
weather display capable of displaying graphical weather
information on UAT equipped installations. FIS-B is available
free to any operator with the ability to receive and display
the data that is broadcast on the Universal Access Transceiver
(UAT) or the 978 MHz link.
Ground Clutter A form of radar signal interference that occurs when fixed
objects close to the transmitter—such as buildings, trees,
or terrain (hills, ocean swells and waves)—obstruct a radar
beam and produce echoes.
GPS Global Positioning System. A space-based Navigation system
providing accurate position, velocity and time information.
This instrumentation will be certified as primary navigation.
HAT Height Above Terrain
HSDB Garmin’s proprietary High Speed Data Bus.
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization.
PABI Pressure Altitude Broadcast Inhibit.
SBAS Satellite-Based Augmentation System.
STC Supplementary Type Certificate
SURF Surface Situation Awareness. An ADS-B In application that
provides the ADS-B and external traffic system targets on a
display to be used by the flight crew for situational awareness.
TA Traffic Advisory.
TAS Traffic Advisory System.
TCAD Traffic Collision Avoidance Device.