Removing Unit From Carton
Remove staples,break glue on top flaps,or cut
tape at carton end and peel along top flap to
open carton.
Remove looseparts ifincludedwithunit(i.e.,
owner'smanual, etc,).
Cut along dotted linesand laycarton downflat.
Remove packing material. Roll unitoutof
carton. Check carton thoroughlyfor loose parts.
Note: Make sure not tocrimpthe cable while
removingloose parts or the unitfromthe carton.
IMPORTANT: This unitisshippedwithout gasoline
or oil In the engine. Be certainto service enginewith
gasoline and oil before operatingyour mower.
NOTE: Reference to rightor left hand side ofthe
mower and/or front or behindthe mower isobserved
from the operatingposition.
Loose Pads
a. Owner's Manual
b. A Bottleof Engine Oil
c. Partsfor Grass Bag: Frame, Bag
d. Discharge Chute
Tools Required
a. Pairof Pliers
b. Funnel
Disconnecting Spark Plug
Before setting upyour lawn mower, disconnect
the spark plug wirefrom the spark plug, and
ground it against theengine. See Figure 1.
Attach rubber bootto a bolton the engine to
groundas shown below.
Spark Plug
'Spark Plug
Figure 1
Assembling Handle
Raise lower handle indirectionA shownin
Figure 2. it shouldsnap intoplace.
Note: Make sure to routethecable inside the lower
handle. Also donot crimpthe cable while liftingthe
handle up
B Upper Handle
Figure 2
Forshippingpurposes, the hairpin clipisplaced inthe
outer hole of the weld pin on the lower handle.
Remove thehairpinclipfrom the outerhole of
the weld pin. See Figure3.
c%p' ,/ \ .on ;ire
WE'd P'm _0 "e_rHole on
Weld Pin
Figure 3
Using a pair ofpliers, insertthe hairpinclipinto
the inner hole in the weld pin. See Figure 3.
Repeat on otherside.
Raise the upper handle in the direction B shown
in Figure 2. Tighten the wing nuts which are
already on the handle.
Attach control cable to the lower handle with the
cable tie already on the lower handle. Pull tight
the cable tie and cut off extra. See Figure 4.
Figure 4