Craftsman 247.388240 Lawn Mower User Manual

insideoftheengineas follows:
Remove spark plug, pour approximately one
ounce (30 ml) ofengine oil into spark plughole,
and crank slowly to distdbute oil.
WARNING: Avoid spray from spark plug
hole when cranking the engine slowly.
Replace sparkplug;do notconnectsparkplugwire.
Change oil
Change oil ifithas notbeen changed inthe last
three months. For instructionson howto
change oil refer tothe Maintenance sectionof
this manual.
Clean engine
Clean engine and remove any grassclippings,
dirt,or chaff fromthe exteriorof theengine.
Remove any dirtordebris fromcoolingfins,air
intakescreen, levers,and linkage.
Do notstore gasolinefromone season to
Replaceyour gasolinecan if itstartsto rust.
Rustand/or dirtinthe gasolinewillcause
problems.Store unitina clean, dryarea. Do not
storenexttocorrosivematerials,such as
NOTE: ffstoringin an unventi/atador metal storage
shed,be certaintorustprooftheequipmentbycoating
witha lightoilor silicone.