4-14 Operation
Table 4-7 Binary outputs Continued
The output is same as generator status LED on panel. Output is
closed if genset is running and all genset electric values are in limits.
CommonWrnSd Output is closed if :
Any warning or shutdown are active or the gen−set malfunctions
The output opens if:
FAULT RESET is pressed. The output closes again for a new fault.
CommonWrnSd Output is closed if :
Any warning or shutdown occurs or the gen−set malfunctions
The output opens if:
FAULT RESET is pressed or the output closes again for a new fault.
Horn Output is closed if:
Any warning or shutdown are active or the gen−set malfunctions
The output opens if:
FAULT RESET is pressed, HORN RESET is pressed or Max time of
HORN is exceeded (Horn timeout). Output closes again at next fault.
Ready/Auto Output is closed if controller is ready in AUTO mode − no Shut down
or Slow stop alarm is active,
Ready Output is closed if:
Gen−set is not running and
No Shut down or Slow stop alarm is active and
Controller is not in OFF mode
Ready to load Output is closed if genset is running and all electric values are in limits
no alarm is active − it is possible to close GCB or it is already closed.
The output opens during cooling state.
Stop solenoid The closed output energizes stop solenoid to stop the engine.
The output opens again 10 s after RPM < 2 and
Generator voltage < 10 VAC and
Oil pressure < Engine params: Starting oil.
ChrgAlternFail Output is closed if gen−set is running and D+ input not energized.
The output opens, if alarm is not active and FAULT RESET is pressed.
Note: Treshhold level for D+ input is 80% supply voltage.
Vgen failed Output is closed if the generator over/under voltage shutdown alarm
or voltage asymmetry shutdown alarm activates.
The output opens, if alarm is not active and FAULT RESET is pressed.
fgen failed Output is closed if the generator over/under frequency shutdown
alarm activates.
The output opens, if alarm is not active and FAULT RESET is pressed.
Overload Output closes if the generator overload shutdown alarm activates.
The output opens, if alarm is not active and FAULT RESET is pressed.
Stop failed Output closes when the engine has to be stopped, but speed or
frequency or voltage or oil pressure is detected. This protection goes
active 60s after stop command.
The output opens, if alarm is not active and FAULT RESET is pressed.
Overspeed Output closes if the gen−set over speed alarm activates.
The output opens, if alarm is not active and FAULT RESET is pressed.
Underspeed Output closes if the gen−set under speed alarm activates.
The output opens, if alarm is not active and FAULT RESET is pressed.
Start failed Output closes after the gen−set start−up fails.
The output opens, if alarm is not active and FAULT RESET is pressed.
Overcurrent Output closes if the generator IDMT over current or current unbalance
or short current alarm activates.
The output opens, if alarm is not active and FAULT RESET is pressed.
Battery flat Output closes when iL performs reset during start procedure (probably
due to weak battery).
The output opens, if alarm is not active and FAULT RESET is pressed.
V batt failed Output closes when battery over/under voltage warning appears.
The output opens, if alarm is not active and FAULT RESET is pressed.