Page 80
Value is multiple of 0.1 mSec
Set if Division by zero operation is performed in
the ladder instruction and for invalid conditions or
operands in case of conversion instructions.
Configuration Words and coils
Register / Coil
Read / Write
MW0000 PLC Operation Mode
(Bit 0 to Bit 3)
Bit0-3: 0: Initialization 1: HALT Mode 2: RUN
Mode 3: RUN-F Mode 4: HOLD Mode 6: ERROR
Refer mapped coils M16 to M31
Refer mapped coils M32 to M47
Switch Control
Read Only 1: HALT, 0: RUN. Only LSB is used. other bits (1
to 15) are not used.
Enabled when MW10 bit 16 is ON.
(0 to 15 mS)
Configuration Register for
Special inputs
Refer Special input - output section
Configuration Register for
PWM output
Refer Special input - output section
Preset values for high Speed
Used to set the preset values for high speed
Count Values for high Speed
Read/Write Preset count values of the high speed counters
are stored
High Speed counter
control flags
Control flags for high speed counters
Special output control flags
Refer Special input - output section
Special Output Control Flags
Control flags for high speed counters
Refer Special input - output section
Refer mapped coils M00480 to M00487
User Interrupt program Status
Bit 0 for timer ,Bit 1 for IO1, Bit 2 for IO2. Refer
mapped coils M496,M497 & M498
when MW10 bit 16 is ON.
Unit Subnet Mask Address
Lo Word
Unit Subnet Mask Address
Hi Word
Lo Word
Hi Word
ON at error state. This group includes Ladder
Scan time.