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7.4 Real-time Clock / Calendar
The V200 CPUs are equipped with the real-time clock/calendar for day of the month, month, year, hour, minute,
second and day of week. This data is stored in the special registers SW10 to SW16 by unsigned integer format as
F 8 7 8
D0050 00 Day of month 00 to 99 (2000 - 2099)
D0051 00 Month 01 to 12
D0052 00 Year 01 to 31 Calendar
D0053 00 Hour 00 to 23 LSI
D0054 00 Minute 00 to 59
D0055 00 Second 00 to 59
D0056 00 Day of week 00 to 06
The day of the week is automatically,
Sunday = 0, Monday = 1, Tuesday = 2............. Saturday = 6
Program example:
In the following circuit, output Y007 turns ON for 1 minute at every Sunday 6 pm.
Clock/calendar back-up:
The clock / calender continues to update using internal battery backup even if the external 24 VDC power to V200
CPU is switched OFF. The backup time period is as follows:
Temperature Backup Time
20 Years
Setting the clock/calendar:
You can set the clock/calendar data, by using the Calendar Set instruction (CLND) in the user program.