n All Strata CS Administrators. Notifications go to all Strata CS
users with Administrator permissions who have e-mail notification
turned on. This is the default setting.
n E-mail address(es). Type the e-mail addresses of users whom you
want to receive notifications, separated by semicolons.
Business Hours
Click Business Hours to schedule specific Strata CS behavior for particular
hours and on specific dates.
Your settings are used by Strata CS to schedule the following:
n Transfers and greetings. See “Scheduling transfers and greetings” on
page 9-14.
n E-mail and pager notifications. See “Scheduling notifications” on
page 6-19.
n Business hours and holidays for call rules. See “Defining business
hours and holidays” on page 4-5.
Strata CS uses the following categories to define business hours and holidays:
n Work days and work hours for each work day
n Full or partial holidays
n Custom work days, hours, and dates
Strata CS includes a default set of business hours that you can customize. You can
create as many sets of business hours as you need. For example, you can create a
set of business hours for the company as a whole, and then create additional sets
of business hours for individual departments, shifts, and so forth.
When you define business hours and holidays, you can type dates and
times in most formats. Your entries are converted to a standard format that is
based on your Windows regional settings.
Defining business hours and holidays
Business hours and holidays are used by Strata CS to schedule transfers and
greetings, notifications, and call rules.