
2. On the General tab, enter the following basic information about the
dialing service:
n Name, access code. Choose a name and access code that will make
it easy for the users to select this dialing service when placing a call.
See Tips on access codes and names for services on page 8-7.
n Enabled. To make this dialing service available to users, leave
Enabled checked. Clearing the checkbox disables the dialing service
so that users cannot select it. Disabling can be useful if you want to
OK before you are finished defining the dialing service, or later
if you want to change or troubleshoot the dialing service.
n Hidden. To hide this dialing service in the Client, check Hidden.
This setting is typically enabled to hide dialing services that you use
for testing purposes or only want to make available to users through
a Routing dialing service (see Routing services on page 8-29). A
hidden service is still accessible to Strata CS users.
n Minimum, Maximum number of digits. When a user dials a
Centrex/PBX extension, Strata CS waits to collect all of the digits up
to the minimum number of digits you specify here, and does not dial
them until one of the following occurs:
n A time-out occurs (see Setting dialing timeouts on page 4-13).
n The user presses # to signify that all digits have been entered.
n The maximum number of digits (that you specify below) have
been entered.
If every Centrex/PBX extension that users can dial is the same length,
you can expedite dialing by entering that information here. For
example, if the extensions are 3 digits long, set both values to 3.
n Collect all digits before dialing on trunk. Check to have Strata CS
wait until the user finishes dialing before sending the complete dial
string to the phone company. Uncheck to have Strata CS send digits
to the phone company as the user dials them, and let the phone
company determine when the dial string is complete.
Normally, digits are sent as the user dials them. In certain cases,
however, you can collect all digits:
n To simulate a dial tone for carriers that do not generate a dial tone
after a Primary Interexchange Carrier (PIC) code (in the U.S.,
you can create a dialing service that uses a PIC code prefix to
access a particular carrier).
n To improve tone detection when users attempt to place an
outbound call while logged into Strata CS remotely from a digital
cell phone or other low-quality connection.