n Run the Robbed Bit T1 Experimenter, modify signaling information (for
example, Pickup, Hangup, Digit Collection), and then enable the device
to pick up the changes.
n Run ISDIAG to place an outbound call to determine the correct call
parameters. You can then apply these parameters to the Strata CS registry,
enable the device, and try it again.
Disabling a trunk does not allow you to modify Dialogic settings. The following
restrictions on modifying Dialogic settings still apply:
n You cannot modify Dialogic .PRM file settings and have them take effect
without restarting the Dialogic drivers.
n You cannot modify Dialogic DCM settings while the drivers are running.
n You cannot disable a Dialogic board via the DCM without first stopping
all devices.
Restarting stations or trunks
The Strata CS Server periodically test stations and trunks to see if they are
responding. It automatically restarts stations and trunks whenever necessary. The
default testing interval is 5 minutes. For information on modifying that setting or
to turning it off, see Monitor Interval in the section “Strata CS Configuration
Settings” in Appendix .
Some error conditions may make a trunk or station unusable, and you must restart
the device manually. For example, if a single station shows the status “Reorder,”
restart it to re-establish the connection to Strata CS. Generally, if the status of a
device does not seem to reflect its actual status, you must restart the device.
Similarly, you can manually restart a trunk that has become unstable because of
an error condition. You also restart a trunk using the Device Monitor to detect
loop current on a newly added trunk before Strata CS can use it.
Both automatic and manual restarts are logged in the Windows NT Event Log.
Be aware that restarting a device may take up to 30 seconds. During that
time, you cannot perform any other operations in the Device Monitor.
To restart a station or trunk
1. Do one of the following:
n To restart a single device, select the device and choose Device
Monitor > Restart Station
or Restart Trunk.
n To restart multiple devices, press CTRL or SHIFT while you select
trunks or stations, and then choose
Restart Devices on the shortcut