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Function Enters a comment into the program.
Format REM [ <comment> ]
Term <comment>: Any character string
Explanation The REM statement is ignored when the program is executed. The REM statement is
used for entering a comment into the program to make the program easy to
The REM statement occupies memory and affects the execution speed a little. (It
takes a little time to read the comment.)
The REM statement is useful for places that are jumped to when using the GOTO
statement and the GOSUB statement. However, the execution starts from the
statement following the REM statement.
The REM statement can be used after a colon (:) inserted at the end of the program.
However, other statements cannot follow the REM statement, even if a colon (:) is put
after it. Everything after a REM statement is regarded as a comment.
An apostrophe (’) can be used instead of “REM” or “: REM”. The apostrophe (’) can
also be used for entering a comment after a statement. After the DATA statement
the DATA statement cannot be used again. The apostrophe (’) in the DATA
statement is regarded as data, therefore, “: REM” should be used for writing