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Function Provides the specified character in a given character string.
Format MID$ ( <character string>, <numeric expression 1> [, <numeric expression 2> ] )
Term <character string>: Any character string
<numeric expression 1 >: The position in <character string>
(Unit: bytes, Range: 1 to 255)
<numeric expression 2>: The length to be specified in <character string>
(Unit: bytes, Range: 0 to 255)
Explanation The MID$ function provides the character string from the character of the
<numeric expression 1>th byte from the left in <character string> to the character of
the <numeric expression 2>th byte. <numeric expression 1> and <numeric
expression 2> should be integer values which are rounded off to whole numbers
before they are evaluated.
In the following cases, all character strings at the right side of the <numeric
expression 1>th byte are provided.
• <numeric expression 2> is omitted.
• The number of characters from the <numeric expression 1>th byte to the end
of the character string is smaller than <numeric expression 2>
In the following cases, a null string is provided.
• There is no character for the <numeric expression 1>th byte.
(<numeric expression 1> is longer than the character string length.)
• <numeric expression 2> is 0.