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Character constants:
A string which is 255 digits or less including alphanumeric, Kana, symbol, and Kanji, enclosed in
double quotation marks (”). If a double quotation mark (”) is used in the character string, the CHR$
function should be used.
Numeric constants:
Integer type: Decimal format : -32768 to +32767
Hexadecimal format : &H0000 to &HFFFF
Real type: Single-precision fixed-point format (Entry digits: 7, Effective digits: 6)
Single-precision floating-point format (Entry digits: 7, Effective digits: 6)
A variable name should be a max. of 10 characters, including alphanumerics and periods, and must start
with a letter. The max. number of variables is 256.
Integer type: A “%” should be attached to the end of the variable name.
Single-precision real type: A “!” should be attached to the end of the variable name.
The assignment value is in the same range as a numeric constant.
Character type: A ‘$’ should be attached to the end of the variable name.
The assignment value is in the same range as a character constant.
The max. 16 dimensions and 32767 subscripts for an array variable are allowable. However, a
subscript starts from 0, and the practical number of elements is the number of subscripts + 1. 32
bytes are used per one array. An array exceeding 32 bytes cannot be used.