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Function Opens the RS-232C communication file.
Format OPEN ”COM <line number> : [ <communication baud rate> ] [, [ <parity> ]
[, [ <data length> ] [, [ <stop bit> ] ] ] ” AS [#] <file number>
Term <line number>: The RS-232 C interface number
(COM 1:, COM2:)
<communication baud rate>: The baud rate for the line
COM 1: (9600, 19200, 38400)
COM 2: (4800, 9600, 19200)
<parity>: The parity type is specified. (O (Odd), E, (Even), N (Non))
<data length>: The bit length of one character is specified. (7, 8)
<stop bit>: The number of stop bits to be added (1, 2)
<file number>: An integer between 1 and 9
When COM 1 is connected to the B-452 printer, 38400, E, 8, 1 should be set in
<communication baud rate>, <parity>, <data length>, <stop bit>, and <file number>,