6. Appendix
Error Message List
Message Explanation
Login Dialog
The password is not correct.
Enter a correct password.
The password is case-sensitive.
The entered password is incorrect.
Environment Dialog
The same value is set for all of "Code 1", "Code 2"
and "Code 3".
Set a different value for each.
The same value is set for all of "Code 1", "Code 2" and
"Code 3".
Password Change Dialog
The old password is not correct.
Enter a correct password.
The password is case-sensitive.
The entered password and the currently effective
password do not match.
The new password and the confirmation password
do not match.
Enter a correct password.
The password is case-sensitive.
The new password and the password entered for
confirmation do not match.
Printer Setting Screen
The specified file is not the Multi-LAN configuration
Select a file in the correct format.
The specified file cannot be read.
The format of the specified file is different from that of the
Multi LAN configuration file.
Saving data in the specified file failed.
Check if the file is writable.
Data cannot be saved in the specified file.
Parallel interface does not support this function.
Use other interface.
When "LPT1", "LPT2" or "LPT3" is selected for the
interface type, the functions on the Parameter Setting
screen or Maintenance screen cannot be used.
Parameter Setting Screen
The configuration file for a wrong printer was
Select a file in the correct format.
The specified file cannot be read.
The format of specified file is different from that of the
printer configuration file.
Saving data in the specified file failed.
Check if the file is writable.
Data cannot be saved in the specified file.
The same value is set for all of "Code 1", "Code 2"
and "Code 3" on the General (2) tab page.
Set a different value for each.
The same value is set for all of "Code 1", "Code 2" and
"Code 3".
The entered value for "DHCP Client ID" on the LAN
tab page is incorrect.
When using hex. format, enter an even-digit code.
An odd-digit character was entered for "DHCP Client ID".
The entered value for "MAC Address 'number'" on
the WLAN tab page is incorrect.
Enter a 12-digit hex. code.
The number of characters entered for "MAC Address
'number'" is insufficient. ('number': 1 to 5)