[Port Number]
Select the COM port number used for communication.
The default right after the installation is "1".
The setting is saved upon changed, and reflected in the header view.
Range 1 to 99
[Baud Rate]
Select the baud rate for the RS-232C port that has been set for the connected printer.
The default right after the installation is "9600 bps".
The setting is saved upon changed, and reflected in the header view.
Options 2400 bps, 4800bps, 9600 bps, 19200 bps, 38400 bps, 115200 bps
[Data Length]
Select the data length for the RS-232C port that has been set for the connected printer.
The default right after the installation is "8 bits".
The setting is saved upon changed, and reflected in the header view.
Options 7 bits, 8 bits
Select the parity for the RS-232C port that has been set for the connected printer.
When the destination is JP, The default right after the installation is "Even".
When the destination is QM or CN, The default right after the installation is "None".
The setting is saved upon changed, and reflected in the header view.
Options None, Even, Odd