[Top Offset]
Set a value for the top offset from the reference coordinate.
When any of "41" to "44" is set for the [Type], this becomes invalid.
When the "Folder" is selected for the [Specification Method], this becomes invalid.
Default 0 dot
When [Location] = "Onboard Flash Memory": 0 to 719 dots
When [Location] = "USB Memory": 0 to 5460 dots
[Character Spacing]
Set a fine adjustment value for the space between characters.
When any of "41" to "44" is set for the [Type], this becomes invalid.
When the "Folder " is selected for the [Specification Method], this becomes invalid.
Default 0 dot
When [Location] = "Onboard Flash Memory": 0 to 999 dots
When [Location] = "USB Memory" and [Printer] = "B-EX4T1-G" or "B-EX4T2-G":
0 to 832 dots
When [Location] = "USB Memory" and [Printer] = "B-EX4T1-T": 0 to 1248 dots
When [Location] = "USB Memory" and [Printer] = "B-EX4T2-T": 0 to 1228 dots
When [Location] = "USB Memory" and [Printer] = "B-EX4T2-H": 0 to 2455 dots
When [Location] = "USB Memory" and [Printer] = "B-EX6T2-G": 0 to 1216 dots
When [Location] = "USB Memory" and [Printer] = "B-EX6T2-T": 0 to 1794 dots
[Confirmation File]
Select whether or not to generate a print command file for checking the created external characters.
When the checkbox is checked, a print command will be created in accordance with the specified
[Magnification], [Print Method], [Label Length], and [Label Width]. The [Print Speed], [Sensor] and [Issue
Mode] are fixed to "3inch/sec.", "None", and "Batch", respectively.
By sending the created print command to the printer in which the external character file is stored, you can
print the external characters for check.
The file extension is "prn" and the file name is the same as the output file name.
When the "Folder" is selected for the [Specification Method], this becomes invalid.
Select a magnification of the external character for test print.
Default 1.0 x 1.0
Options 0.5 x 0.5, 1.0 x 1.0, 2.0 x 2.0, 3.0 x 3.0, 1.0 x 2.0, 2.0 x 1.0
[Print Method]
Select the print method.
Default Thermal Transfer
B-EX4T1-G / B-EX4T1-T:
Thermal Transfer, Thermal Transfer (Ribbon Saving), Direct Thermal,
Direct Thermal (Head Up)
Other than B-EX4T1-G / B-EX4T1-T:
Thermal Transfer, Direct Thermal
[Label Length]
Set the effective print length of media. The label gap is fixed to 2 mm.
Default 74 mm
Other than B-EX4T2-H: 8 to 1500 mm
B-EX4T2-H: 8 to 500 mm
[Label Width]
Set the effective print width of media.
Other than B-EX6T2-G / B-EX6T2-T:
Default 104 mm
Range 10 to 104 mm
B-EX6T2-G / B-EX6T2-T:
Default 152 mm
Range 10 to 152 mm