[Module] Group
[Module Type]:
RFID module type installed in the printer is displayed.
Default None
Options None, H1 (HF Band), H2 (HF Band), U2 (UHF Band)
[Tag Type]:
Select the RFID tag type.
The displayed options differ depending on the RFID module type.
Default NONE
None: NONE, I-Code, Tag-It, C220, IOS15693, C210, C240, C320, EPC C1 Gen2
H1: NONE, I-Code, Tag-It, C220, IOS15693, C210, C240, C320
H2: NONE, IOS156930
U2: NONE, EPC C1 Gen2
The country where the RFID module can be used is displayed.
This setting cannot be changed.
[UHF] Group
[Power Level]:
Set the power output level for UHF band.
Default 18
Range 0 to 255