TCP/IP Configuration
Network Utilities for Phaser Color Printers
Authorizing TCP/IP from a UNIX host
The authorize-feature script on the UNIX version of the printerÕs network
utilities diskettes creates a PostScript language file that you can send to the
printer to authorize the TCP/IP protocol. However, since TCP/IP is not yet
authorized, you cannot send the Þle to the printer using a TCP/IP
connection. You must use another connection to send the Þle to the printer.
For example, you can send the Þle through the serial port on a Sun
Before performing this procedure, you must install the Þles from the UNIX
version of your printerÕs network utilities diskettes on to your host
computer. If you have not already installed the Þles, see ÒInstalling Þles
from your printerÕs network utilities diskettesÓ on page 5-3.
Connect the printer to the host computerÕs serial port using a
null-modem cable.
Make sure that the serial communication parameters of the host
and the printer are the same. The printerÕs conÞguration page
reports the printerÕs current serial communication parameters.
Refer to the printerÕs user manual for default values and
information on how to conÞgure the printerÕs serial port.
Turn on the printer.
Run the script authorize-feature:
Change (cd) to the bin subsubdirectorydirectory in the
directory where you placed your printerÕs network utilities.
Type the name of the script, redirecting the output to a Þle:
authorize-feature > filename
When prompted, enter the authorization code, including the
hyphens (Ð).