Network Printing with Tektronix Color Printers
Network Utilities for Phaser Color Printers
If the Ethernet internal hardware is not installed, the Þelds listed in the table
do not appear; instead, a Þeld reading ÒEthernet: Not InstalledÓ is listed.
Refer to your printerÕs user manual for more information on the startup
page. For more information on the conÞguration page, see ÒYour printerÕs
conÞguration pageÓ on page 2-3.
How to tell which protocols are enabled in your printer
All protocols can be enabled and disabled. However, TCP/IP must Þrst be
authorized by sending the printer an authorization code (see ÒTCP/IP
authorization codeÓ on page 2-4). Once TCP/IP is authorized, it can be
enabled or disabled like the other protocols.
The conÞguration page reports which protocols are enabled. If a protocol is
enabled, the field for that protocol lists the current parameters. If the
protocol is disabled, the field for that protocol contains an entry reading
For more information on the conÞguration page, see the next topic.